

残障人士服务中心正在使用一种新的住宿软件,以更好地满足学生和社区的需求. This is exciting news; however, it means that the current system is going offline while the new system comes online. DAS will be unable to accept accommodation requests until July 1. Feel free to 联络DAS directly with any questions you have: (电子邮件保护)

可访问性 for the 欧文康考迪亚大学 Community

残疾人无障碍服务(DAS)与康考迪亚大学欧文分校的教职员工合作,确保有住宿要求的学生可以访问课程和项目. 鼓励员工和教职员工 联络DAS for guidance on implementing, promoting, and creating accessible content.


View our glossary of the most commonly approved accommodations >>


Please include the following statement in all course syllabi:

Access and 住宿: Your experience in this class is important to me. If you have already established accommodations with 残疾人士无障碍服务 (DAS), 请在您方便的时候尽早通知我您批准的住宿条件,以便我们讨论您在本课程中的需求. 如果您尚未通过DAS建立服务, but have a psychological/learning/physical disability that requires accommodations, ,欢迎致电949-214-3039或 (电子邮件保护). 这是康考迪亚大学的政策和实践,以创造符合联邦和州法律的包容和无障碍的学习环境. Please be informed that course lectures may be recorded, 在必要的时候, 为满足残疾人的要求. 请浏览 DAS网页 查阅美国残疾人协会的进一步资料.


如果你正在推广一个校园活动, please consider including this statement on posters and flyers:

如果您对该事件的可访问性有顾虑, please contact [include event coordinator’s contact info here].


角色 & 责任


  • Request written notification from DAS of a student’s need for accommodation.
  • 保持大学的学术和教学标准,因为住宿不应该从根本上改变课程内容.
  • Establish late work and attendance policies in keeping with the University’s policies.


  • 提供这些住宿是大学为所有学生提供平等机会的使命的一部分.
  • Contact 残疾人士无障碍服务 to request clarification or support with accommodations.
  • Maintain confidentiality of information regarding student’s disability. Information should only be shared with those who have an educational need to know.
  • Refer to DAS any students who request accommodations, but have not set up accommodations.
  • Be available to discuss accommodations with students at least once per term.
  • 在课程大纲中包含ADA声明.


  • 向学生询问他们的残疾.
  • Disclose details about the student’s accommodation to other students.
  • 单方面拒绝学生批准的住宿.



以下是一些教学技巧的例子,这些技巧对所有学生都有益,但对残疾学生尤其有用. By modeling these practices, we also help students think more inclusively about the world.

  • Make short assignment sheets and reading lists available in electronic format (e.g.、电子邮件、黑板).
  • 说话时面向全班. 重复讨论问题. 口头描述图片和图表.
  • 打开所有视频的字幕,不管你的教室里是否有听力损失的学生.
  • Adopt principles of universal design to make course content accessible to all learners.
  • 在白板上写下关键短语和讲座大纲,或者在ppt上指出它们.
  • Always put the person first when describing individuals with disabilities. 首先也是最重要的, people are people; secondly, they may happen to experience one or more functional limitations. 因此,他们应该被称为“残疾学生”,而不是“残疾学生”.” Avoid terms such as “handicapped,” “victim,” “special needs,” and “normal students.”
  • 请注意,许多学生非常不愿意联系教师讨论他们的住宿需求.
  • All discussions with students remain private and confidential. Ask students what challenges they are facing and what has helped in the past.


  • Include accessibility statements on event posters and flyers (think transportation, 食物, 和无障碍媒体).
  • 确保空间在物理上是可访问的. Keep aisles and doorways free from physical barriers.
  • Report inoperable push-button door openers to Jane Doherty, our 504 Coordinator.
  • Allow service dogs to accompany people with disabilities on campus. 当不明显时,该犬是服务犬, you may ask two questions: (1) is the dog required because of a disability? (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
  • 参考 残疾语言风格指南 关于选词的问题.



How will I know a student has accommodations in my class?

残疾人士无障碍服务 emails Academic Access Letters at the start of each semester, or at the time a student has requested such communication. 这些电子邮件是通过Maxient(一个软件程序)发送的。, and the Academic Access Letter is attached as a PDF to that email.

如果有学生在课堂上向我寻求帮助,我该怎么办, or tells me they have a disability and I have not received an Academic Access Letter?

指导学生联系DAS. If you have not been emailed an accommodation letter from DAS, 那么学生很可能没有在我们的办公室注册,以获得批准的住宿. If a student is currently receiving accommodations in your course, you have the freedom to offer additional accommodations to the student, 但请考虑将此类协议抄送给DAS,以便我们有额外住宿的记录.


What happens after I receive the accommodation letter?

学生被告知,如果他们打算使用该课程的住宿条件,请与教授联系. 有些课程已经可以进入,在这种情况下,学生可以不要求住宿. 当需要记笔记时,DAS将通过电子邮件向教授发送招聘声明,以便在课堂上发布. 当需要可访问媒体时, 教官负责将资料发送给DAS,以便转换为可访问的格式.

还记得, you may not ask a student what their disability is; however, students may voluntarily disclose their disability to you, DAS支持和鼓励哪些.


来自学生文件的信息有助于指导DAS确定合理的住宿条件. 住宿 are meant to provide equal access; they do not guarantee success or necessarily fit a student’s preferred learning style.

A student in my class has a short-term illness or injury. 他们有住宿吗??

学生经常会经历暂时的医疗状况,如受伤、手术或疾病. 通常, these do not qualify students for ADA accommodations since they are not permanent disabilities; however, DAS认识到,暂时的医疗条件仍然会影响学生的学习经历. Professors and students can work together to make academic arrangements, 或者教授可以将学生推荐给DAS, where we will help them come up with a communication plan.


住宿 are modifications to the ways in which things are usually done. 有效住宿的目的是为残疾学生提供平等的机会参与和受益于大学.


  • 教室环境或任务的改变:延长考试时间,孤立考试地点;
  • 消除建筑障碍:调整教室以满足使用轮椅的学生的需求;
  • 政策的例外情况, practices or procedures: priority registration or accessing assignments early;
  • Provision of auxiliary aids and services: providing a sign language interpreter, 或者提供一个记录员或抄写员.


Concordia University is not required to offer or provide an accommodation, to admit or continue to admit an individual with a disability to any course, 程序, service or activity or to provide educational opportunities and other services when:

  • 康考迪亚大学的教育标准或使命将发生重大改变;
  • The nature of the course, 程序, service or activity would be fundamentally altered;
  • 学生在其他方面没有资格(有或没有住宿)达到入学或参加教育课程所需的学术和技术标准, 程序, 服务或活动;
  • An undue financial or administrative hardship (university-wide) would be caused by the accommodation; and
  • If the individual would pose a direct threat to the health or safety of self or others.
  • 另外, CU is not required to provide accommodations of a personal nature, such as a personal care attendant or personal use equipment.

What happens if I do not agree with a requested accommodation?


住宿要求必须在合理的时间范围内,并且必须是合理的. 当合理的情况明显存在时,指导员必须协调适当的住宿. 当存在合理性问题时, instructors should consult with DAS about how to best address the situation: (电子邮件保护), 949-214-3039.
